Paolo Angelucci, Music Composer and Writer
- Piano with Guidalberto Renzi of the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia in Rome.
- Composition with Valentino Miserachs, of the Conservatorio E.R. Duni in Matera.
- Composition of soundtracks for films with Stelvio Cipriani, the composer of Anonimo Veneziano.
Produced music
for Radio programs
- “Iubilate Deo”
for TV programs
- “Controcorrente”
- “Prendi e leggi”
- “Il calcio dei tifosi”
- “Dalla parte dei tifosi”
for Theatre
- “Intorno al fuoco”
- “Alleluya”
- “Passione di ieri, passione di oggi, passione di sempre”
For Concerts (in Germany and in Italy)
- “Rondò alla Luna”
- “Cantico”
For Short Films
- Abu Lula Ba, directed by Cristiana Bini, subject and screenplay by Roberto Leoni
- Appellamus te, directed by Cristiana Bini, subject and screenplay by Roberto Leoni
- Muoviti, muoviti!
For Advertising
- The first two bars of his baby song “La Canzone dei Puccoli” were sufficient to build a fortunate worldwide AD campaign of a famous 4×4
For Films
- “Cronaca di un Ricatto”, directed by Stelvio and Danilo Massi. He was the composer of the whole soundtrack (9 tracks), published by Warner Chappell
for Modern Operas and Musicals
- “Oz Anew”, a project of a big Musical-Opera on the Lyrics of the “Tony” winner Michael Gershowitz (USA): a Concert in Seattle, Annex Theatre, March 10/11/12/13, 2016 with the first part of the work got an incredible success.
The second career began with a Degree in Latin an old Greek Language and Literature and a Master in Paleography and Archivistic and continued teaching in High School and as contracted Professor of Latin and Archivistic in the Faculty of History of the European University of Rome.
Three books written and published by a German Publisher, have been bought by the most important Libraries of Classics in the world.
As a Composer and Writer member of SIAE (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers), I have this international code: IPI (Interested Party Information) 00155872545.
SIAE has relationships with all Societies of Authors and Publishers worldwide